Click the tabs below to see Dr. Fogg’s publications and digital projects. The links in green on each publication will take you to an online footprint, when available. For a full CV, please click here. Alternatively, check Dr. Fogg’s ORCiD at

Journal Articles
Book Chapters
Digital Projects
Book Reviews
- Indonesia’s Islamic Revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020)
- Spirit Islam Pada Masa Revolusi Indonesia (Jakarta: NouraBooks, 2020)
- (co-edited with Frank Dhont and Mason C. Hoadley) Towards an Inclusive Democratic Indonesian Society: Bridging the Gap between State Uniformity and Multicultural Identity Patterns (Yogyakarta: Atma JayaUniversity Press, 2009).
Journal Articles
“Islamic Third Worldism, and Its Limits, at the Birth of the Cold War,” Harvard Theological Review, special issue on “Islamic Third Worldism” edited by Hongxuan Lin and Teren Sevea, forthcoming.
(with Saipul Hamdi) “The Indonesian Central Government in Local Conflict Resolution: Lessons from the Reconciliation of Nahdlatul Wathan,” Indonesia 114 (Oct 2022): 31-50.
“Indonesian Socialism of the 1950’s: From Ideology to Rhetoric,” Third World Quarterly, special issue on “Marx and Lenin in Asia and Africa: Socialism(s) and Socialist Legacies,” 42, 3 (2021): 465-482.
(with Syahrul Hidayat) “Faces of the ‘Konstituante’: Data on Some of the Political Elite of Early Independent Indonesia,” Indonesian Journal of Political Research 1, 1 (Dec 2020): 9-24.
- “Indonesian Islamic Socialism and Its South Asian Roots,” Modern Asian Studies 53, 6 (Nov 2019): 1736-1761.
“Making an Indonesian National Hero for Lombok: The Shifting Category of Pahlawan Nasional,” Indonesia and the Malay World 46, 137 (Mar 2019): 1-22.
“Reinforcing Charisma in the Bureaucratization of Indonesian Islamic Organizations,” Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, special issue on “Bureaucratization of Islam in Southeast Asia,” 37, 1 (May 2018): 117-140.
“Decolonization and Religion: Islamic Arguments for Indonesian Independence,” Leidschrift 31, 3 (Oct 2016): 109-124.
“Islam in Indonesia’s Foreign Policy, 1945-1949,” Al-Jāmi‘ah: Journal of Islamic Studies 53, 2 (2015): 303-336.
“Evaluating the PRRI Rebellion as a West Sumatran Peasant Movement,” Tingkap 11, 2 (2015): 160-174.
“The Standardisation of the Indonesian Language and Its Consequences for Islamic Communities,” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 46, 1 (Feb 2015): 86-110.
“Seeking Arabs but Looking at Indonesians: Snouck Hurgronje’s Arab Lens on the Dutch East Indies,” Journal of Islamic and Middle East Studies (in Asia) 8, 1 (Mar 2014): 51-73.
“The Missing Minister of Religion and the PSII: A Contextual Biography of K.H. Ahmad Azhary,” Studia Islamika 20, 1 (2013): 35-57.
(with Muhammad Saleh Ending) “One Islamic Community, Two Rival Sisters,” Inside Indonesia 103 (Jan 2011).
Book Chapters
- “Paradoks Global dan Lokal untuk Pembaca A.A. Navis,” in Novi Anoegrajekti et al., eds., Seratus Tahun A.A. Navis: Kajian Kritis, Pemikiran, dan Visi Budaya (Jakarta: Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa bekerja sama dengan Himpunan Sarjana-Kesusastraan Indonesia, 2024).
- “Defining and Regulating Religion in Early Independent Indonesia,” in Jaclyn Neo, Daniel P.S. Goh and Arif A. Jamal, eds., Regulating Religion in Asia: Norms, Modes and Challenges (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019).
- “A.A. Navis: The Man and His Work,” in A.A. Navis, To the Contrary, trans. Kevin W. Fogg and Matthew G.B. Woolgar (Jakarta: Lontar, 2019).
- “State and Islamic Education Growing into Each Other in Indonesia,” in Pia Jolliffe and Thomas Bruce, eds., Southeast Asian Schools in Modern History: Education, Manipulation, and Contest (London: Routledge, 2019).
- “News of Independence Spreads,” “Muslims Embrace the Revolution,” and “Shaping Indonesia and Its Government,” in David P. Chandler, Robert Cribb and Li Narangoa, eds., End of Empire: 100 Days in 1945 that Changed Asia and the World (Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2016).
- “Pancasila as an Idea, not an Icon: Masyumi and the State Ideology,” in Kevin Ko and Thomas Conners, eds., Pancasila’s Contemporary Appeal: Re-legitimizing Indonesia’s Founding Ethos (Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University Press, 2010).
Digital Projects
- (with Syahrul Hidayat) Faces of the Konstituante, a digital database of the members of the Indonesian Constitutional Assembly, 1956-1959: .
- “The History of Britain in Asia-Pacific,” podcast series for training in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom; commissioned November 2017.
- “Post-colonial Southeast Asia,” podcast series for training in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom; commissioned September 2018.
- (co-translator with Matthew G.B. Woolgar) To the Contrary, by A.A. Navis (Jakarta: Lontar, 2019).
- (translator and editor) “Hamka’s Doctoral Address at Al-Azhar: The Influence of Muhammad Abduh in Indonesia,” Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies 11, 2 (Dec 2015): 125-156.
Book Reviews
- Review of A World Divided: The Global Struggle for Human Rights in the Age of Nation-States, by Eric Weitz, on the Toynbee Prize Foundation Roundtable (2020).
- Review of Religious Authority and Local Governance in Eastern Indonesia, by Jeremy J. Kingsley, on ASEASUK Blog (2019).
- Review of Forging Islamic Power and Place: The Legacy of Shaykh Dā’ūd bin ‘Abd Allāh Al-Faṭāni in Mecca and Southeast Asia, by Francis R. Bradley, in Journal of Asian Studies 77, 4 (2018).
- Review of Islamic Post-Traditionalism in Indonesia, by Rumadi, trans. by Rebecca Lunnon, in Bijdragen totde Taal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde 173 (2017).
- Review of Islam and Politics in Indonesia: The Masyumi Party between Democracy and Integralism, by Remy Madinier, trans. by Jeremy Desmond, in Journal of Islamic Studies 28, 3 (2017).
- Review of Islam, Politics, and Change: The Indonesian Experience after the Fall of Suharto, edited by Kees Van Dijk and Nico J.G. Kaptein, in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 48, 2 (2017).
- Comparative Review of Revolution in the City of Heroes: A Memoir of the Battle that Sparked Indonesia’s National Revolution, by Suhario Padmodiwiryo, trans. by Frank Palmos, and Recruit to Revolution: Adventure and Politics During the Indonesian Struggle for Independence, by John Coast, ed. by Laura Noszlopy, in Inside Indonesia 126 (2016)
- Review of Southeast Asian Muslims in the Era of Globalization, edited by Ken Miichi and Omar Farouk, in Journal of Islamic Studies, 27, 3 (2016).
- Review of Religious Diversity in Muslim Majority States in Southeast Asia: Areas of Toleration and Conflict, edited by Bernhard Platzdasch and Johan Saravanamuttu, in Journal of Islamic Studies 27, 1 (2016).
- Review of Performance, Popular Culture, and Piety in Muslim Southeast Asia, edited by Timothy P. Daniels, in Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 26, 3 (2015).
- Review of The Longest Journey: Southeast Asians and the Pilgrimage to Mecca, by Eric Tagliacozzo, in English Historical Review 130, 583 (2015).
- Review of Contemporary Developments in Indonesian Islam: Explaining the ‘Conservative Turn’, edited by Martin van Bruinessen, in Journal of Islamic Studies 26, 1 (2015).
- Review of Contemporary Islamic Discourse in the Malay-Indonesian World: Critical Perspectives, by Azhar Ibrahim, in ASEASUK News 56 (2014).
- Review of Democracy and Islam in Indonesia, edited by Mirjam Künkler and Alfred Stepan, in Journal of Islamic Studies 25, 3 (2014).
- Review of Islamisation and Its Opponents in Java: A Political, Social, Cultural, and Religious History, c. 1930 to the Present, by M.C. Ricklefs, in Southeast Asia Research 22, 2 (2014).
- Review of Divine Inspirations: Music and Islam in Indonesia, edited by David D. Harnish and Anne K. Rasmussen, in Contemporary Islam 8, 2 (2014).
- Review of Questioning Modernity in Indonesia and Malaysia, edited by Wendy Mee and Joel S. Kahn, in Ilahiyat Studies 4, 2 (2013).
- Review of Culture, Power, and Authoritarianism in the Indonesian State, by Tod Jones, in ASEASUK News 54 (2013).
- Review of Catholic Vietnam: A Church from Empire to Nation, by Charles Keith, in Culture and Religion: An Interdisciplinary Journal 14, 2 (2013).
- Review of The End of Innocence?: Indonesian Islam and the Temptations of Radicalism, by Andrée Feillard and Rémy Madinier, in Journal of Islamic Studies 24, 2 (2013).
- Comparative Review of Islam, Nationalism and Democracy: A Political Biography of Mohammad Natsir, by Audrey R. Kahin and Islam in the Making of the Nation: Kartosuwiryo and Political Islam in 20th century Indonesia, by Chiara Formichi, in Journal of Islamic Studies 24, 2 (2013).
- Review of Living Islamically in the Periphery: Muslim Discourse, Institution, and Intellectual Tradition in Southeast Asia, by Iik Arifin Mansurnoor, in Journal of Islamic Studies 24, 1 (2013).
- Review Essay of Southeast Asia and the Middle East: Islam, Movement, and the Longue Durée, edited by Eric Tagliacozzo, in Studia Islamika 16, 3 (2009).